Guernsey’s general election will be held on 18th June 2025. In order to vote you must register to be on the electoral roll. A new roll is opened for every general election, so if you haven’t registered yet, please do here Around the world we are seeing democracy being undermined, with fraudulent elections and with candidates being prevented from standing and ballots being rigged, but we are lucky knowing that our election will be free and fair, with everyone being able to vote for who they want to see represent them.
You will be able to vote for up to 38 candidates in our Island Wide Voting system. Please remember though that you do not need to vote for 38. It is important that you vote for who you think will make a good elected representative and, if you don’t think there are enough to fill the Assembly, don’t include more just to make up the numbers.
As for me, I don’t know whether I will be standing this time around but I can say that I have registered to vote. I know how many people have fought before me to enable me to have the vote, and it is something that I believe is a precious gift that we must never take for granted.