I made this speech against an amendment which basically said we should forget about overseas aid.
This amendment disappoints and saddens me.
And that’s because, although wrapped up in what sounds like a warm and cosy consultation exercise, what it really means if we support this amendment is that we, the States of Guernsey have no commitment to supporting the poorest in the world.
I do understand the sentiments behind it. Can we do more to support the poorest people on Guernsey? Well of course we can. We know there are people living in relative poverty who really struggle to make ends meet. Something we are hoping to partly address through the HSC policy letter. Another good reason why it shouldn’t be bumped by ESC!
But the point is, as a member of the global community and through various agreements, we, as a government, are expected to support the world’s poorest. These include the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the Commonwealth Charter signed in 2013. The Charter includes the following statement;
“We are committed to collaborating to find ways to provide immediate help to the poorest and most vulnerable, including least developed countries, and to develop responses to protect the people at risk’
As a Members of the Commonwealth we are committed to this Charter. Now I’ve wanted us, since the Charter was approved, to expressly demonstrate that commitment through this Assembly. The work on this was something I believe began in the last term but appears to have been put on the back burner this term. It would be good to hear from P&R what has happened as I think this amendment demonstrates just why it is needed.
We are talking about extreme poverty here, defined by the UN as a condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information.
We spend just under £200m pa on health and care for a population of 65k which has helped us to expect a life expectancy of around 83-85, one of the highest in the world. Compare that with the 100s of millions of people who have a life expectancy of under 60. I’d understand it if we didn’t know what happened to the funding we give, but we have probably the most transparent Overseas Aid Commission in the world! Just look at the report – money goes directly to defnied projects, not the admin of mega charities or corrupt governements.
At a time when we are witnessing sensationalist journalism and some of those mega charities wrongly accusing us as part of a wider political agenda of taking money from the developing world, what message will it give out if don’t show our commitment as a Government to supporting the poorest in the world?
One that would tarnish our reputation and play into the hands of those who would love to do us down.
No I can’t support this amendment and urge members to resoundingly defeat it.